Has there ever been an incident involving an intruder at your unattended site? What about the Electronic Key Management that was inadvertently taken home by one of your employees and lost? If this resonates with you, you are aware of how challenging physical security concerns may be. If a lost key ends up in the wrong hands, there might be severe consequences. Moreover, replacing all the locks that the key could have opened could be expensive, especially if the key was a key ring that opened all the locks in the building. How many times, even if it wasn't lost, have you had a duplicate of a mechanical key with the warning of being able to identify the duplicate?
Electrical Key Management
Being ready for security difficulties are considerably preferable to having to make up for a lost time. This is where building access control systems have shown to be more valuable than gold. It can be significantly more efficient to install a well-thought-out Electronic Key Management system than to station security personnel at each entrance. Because they are still human, security personnel occasionally make blunders. How many people can you name that can recall well over a thousand names, along with the locations they can access, the times of day they can access them, the days they can access them, and how often? Comparing an electronic access control system to conventional locks and keys reveals a number of benefits.
Role of the Key Expert
Locksmiths may be costly, particularly if they are called out for an urgent rekey. The security of the entire facility may be jeopardized if an employee misplaced a Key Management Systems and those keys end up in the wrong hands. A single misplaced multi-site key can soon mount up to astronomical costs. Consider the expense of having to repair several locks at your locations due to the loss of a whole ring of keys for several sites. You won't ever need to alter the locks at your locations thanks to an electronic database for keys and lock management. A new restricted access card can be provided, and the lost card can be deleted from the database. Keys going missing won't be a problem anymore.
Accessing Right Key Management
While it is straightforward to duplicate physical keys, it takes far more skill to duplicate Key Management Systems, such as a key fob. Your access system is now far more secure than it could ever be with physical keys, thanks to this. You can never be sure of the number of illegal copies that have been created or who are in possession of them as long as you keep protecting your websites using conventional locks and keys.
It is essential to keep your website secure in the case of an employee leaving, whether on their own volition or as a result of termination. If the employee had been in possession of the keys and they were not returned, things may get serious.